About Us
Southern Comfort Tree Service offers a broad spectrum of services that is unrivaled in scope and quality. Our depth of experience can take your project from start to finish and delivery a quality job each and every time.
Small or large your request will be met with expert advice, individualized attention and innovative solutions. At Southern Comfort Tree Service we define our success by achieving the highest level of customer satisfaction possible.
Our primary goal is unsurpassed quality in our services. Our commitment to professionalism, prompt response, FREE ESTIMATES and fair price is what we provide at all times to every customer. We are FULLY LICENSED & INSURED and strive to provide you with the very best tree care.
Call today to request your FREE ESTIMATE
Office: 941.718.5944
Mobile: 941.807.4244
Areas we service include, but are not limited to; Palmetto, Parrish, Bradenton, Bradenton Beach, Longboat Key, Holmes Beach, Lakewood Ranch, Sarasota and Venice